Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Building The Immune System

Do you want to build your immune system?  Eat Real Food!  Processed foods are killing our immune system which in turn is killing us.  Our bodies are amazing! Our bodies are made to not get cancer, disease and sickness.  BUT, you have to give it what it needs and giving it processed foods is not going to give it the fuel to rebuild itself.  Our blood rebuilds itself every 120 days, the liver can regrow, our bodies regenerate fully every 7 years.  But it can only do that on what you give it. You are what you eat, literally.  You don't put sludge in your car instead of fuel, right? Don't do that to your body!
And it is not just fast food it is also the processed foods you can buy at your local grocery stores, you  know cereals and the boxed foods.   Here is a funny chart but true.

Our foods for fuel should look like this.

We need fruits, veggies, muscle and organ meats, fish, small amounts of dairy, healthy oils, whole grains, nuts and seeds.  And we need to eat locally and seasonally.  So little by little let us crowd out the bad with some good and before we know it, we will be eating nothing but good!


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